The Horizon

The Horizon
i saw this...i felt this...i rememered...and i wrote

Monday, August 27, 2007

A hell of an Itch! Yeah thats what i would want to call it. Please, gimme a break people. Have you ever realised how much pressure i am being subjected to at the very moment? Ho! Ho! very funny...ya! you can go on ranting about," hey! I am under pressure too...Blah! Blah! Blah! Blah!". Course you are. Waddaya think all those gravitational, electrostatic atmospherioc presssure were fancy things to decorate your high school text-book. Sorry to kill the illusion, but these are all real...and guess what buddy i feel them too! And yet i would firmly go on making it positively clear that i am under pressure.

You know what! its not about the fact that i get shouted at scores of time during the day for lazing and not mugging...the point is that what really is bugging me is how much i have changed. I mean i am less like Erik day by day. I brood lesser you know really! I am getting all that nonchalant ' like i'd care' attitude. And you know what, i cant write a 100 words without incorporating some sort of sms typo. Gosh! whats happenin!

And talk about gettin pissed off! Just the time when you wouldnt want people (or rather the world , to be more specific) to piss you off...they do just the thing. And thanks a lot for asking hoe people did piss me off...well i cant complete this steam venting right now coz the power just cut! Need more reasons?

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