The Horizon

The Horizon
i saw this...i felt this...i rememered...and i wrote

Sunday, October 28, 2007


Did you feel the same?
The rumblings of the earth,
Cracks of lightning in the rain?
Did you tremble for the lack of support?
As you stood and drenched in the rain.

Did you ask for light
One night, by your bedside-
When you woke, sweating from a dreamy fright?
Or perhaps call out in fear
Afraid that for every tear you shed,
Your dream-boat will sink in the sea of drops,
That in your eyes appear?

Or were you afraid to take the next step
Caring too much of the thorns in the road?

Did you stammer?
Holding back precious words,
Mumbling to yourself
Fearing wagging tongues?

Tell me were you afraid to change?
Or even reach out within you
And touch an unknown feeling.
Or were you unsure of hanging me by a thread,
Unable to define my worth
Yet trying to comprehend?

Did you feel the same?
When the night’s music played,
And we danced,
Together, as one.

Tell me,Were you dismayed?

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