The Horizon

The Horizon
i saw this...i felt this...i rememered...and i wrote

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Us and Them

Like a flying albatross
Round and round the earth,
You flew across the blue skies
And straight at the sun.
As night fell and moon rose
The sun gave a moan
For you had found a nest to rest
The skies were all alone.

As pale cloud sailed, the wind chilled,
You snuggled against the cozy nest…
You dreamt of a new day when you would take to the blue skies.
You dreamt and dreamt again.
Next morning when you woke up there was no sun left to see
The sun had hid in the abyss, in the dark he had to flee-
You searched and looked, in vain you cried, but the sun was not to be.
And sky saw you crying and took to the abyss too-
To find the sun and bring him back, that was all he could really do.
Long days and long nights past the sun rose from pain,
But the chilly air bothered you , and you couldn’t have him again.
And other birds came, and the sun radiated again-
You watched dismayed as the sun drifted away…
It changed and changed, and eluded you as the air warmed away-
You reached the sun, the birds were gone, you were alone again.

And thus the little birdy,
Flying on her little way
Found the sun once again.
They were all together
Sun, bird, sky and nest
In mother nature’s crest.
That’s were all people are supposed to be-
Tell me in this story, where are we?

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