The Horizon

The Horizon
i saw this...i felt this...i rememered...and i wrote

Friday, December 15, 2006


Lethargy. Complete lethargy. A numbness spreading down the body , from the brain, down the nerves, touching every organ with a loving wand, a caress a feel, enough to turn them off. The back sags down, a crushing weight pressing upon the chest shifting the body down and down in to the cushion. The fighting backbone rests, catches a hurried breath, again takes a shot at a quick respite…..and then hey presto! It realizes that the muscles intend to do no further work. It nudges the spinal lies relaxed…no sharp jab from the CNS. The drummer in the heart seems to be reaching the climax…faster , faster goes the beats..into a frenzied dance…like the intoxicating tarantula venom….
the stomach muscles contract and then abruptly then give up. The thighs twist a bit, the knee-caps creak and seems that a light pressure runs through the length of the legs…till it almost absolutely dissolves near the toes .Oh! The hands..well, then lie as they were; uncared and unwanted. The taut face relaxes, the mouth opens a bit, the chin falls and rises up playing to the inaudible sound of the drum-sticks of the drummer lodging in the heart. It's almost a ripple. Not even that..only a rush of gentle whispering of tree they pile up on the autumn lawns. The sound coaxes..It asks the brain to relax. The eye drops lid.Slowly there is a transition in the brain. A world leaves……slowly as smoke trails out of the end of a deserted pipe..and another world enters….like water filling up a fish tank…

AN U-Shaped umbrella of smoke coiling and trailing up into the sky………a blinding flash of light……pin-pricks on the eye-lids that strain to hold their own against a powerful understanding that evinces at the bedlam…..asphyxiated, nostrils clogged instantaneously and momentarily……….one singular impulse pulls the entire body into the position of total command as the protesting mind fights against the possibility of a reworking….

I am lethargic…so lethrgic that I cant even write proprli.wait…….@$%^%*


Look I am stagnant. I am not working. I am just rolling on the cushion. I am wasting my time. No I am writing. But what good is it going to do to me. I am just one of the millions others who love to sit, combine heavy words put in smart phrases..a bit out of the ordinary. But guess what we seldom read what the other person is at..there are so many theories and some of them are so painstakingly similar that it is very BORING to even read at the titles..same diamond viewed a thousand times from the same combination of angles and the new angles are even exhausted. then why do we exist at al with our branch of PHILOSOPHISING that is promised(I don't know when) to be different from what was there before. Let me attempt ok? There are people who shall refuse to see sense( if any) in our works. They are always there, the target of out angst…we call them the generation-Ex…their philosophers are the crack force of crack-heads employed at the crack of dawn of our life to crack the phial of zeal that nourishes and replenishes the stock of dreaming{well, everyone dreams..but we (especially I) dream of becoming just different}We are here to make these crack-heads understand that the mantle needs to be passed..for good or for bad. We must experiment and not spend a better part of the evening writing about how exactly lethargy is spread through the body…

If you are laughing for you find it funny ..and if you are smiling because you find the conception of passing the mantle encourage able for your type of people…then I have a last word for you two……..

We are the future and so we must also be the future representatives of the crack-headed people…etc.etc. I am sure if reality is taken into account our self-proposed laws that govern our thoughts wont be of any logical avail to even us….

Accepting the mantle requires responsibilities are you ready to be made to rise above the proposed level and shout out loud that you have been different and can, shall or might mingle with theories in a wholly different way that shan't perpetrate another person like me to write a piece very similar to he one you are reading……..

A clarion call…..the intended person varies as a function of perceptions………

Lethargy. Complete lethargy. A numbness spreading down the body , from the brain, down the nerves, touching every organ with a loving wand, a caress a feel, enough to turn them off. The back sags down, a crushing weight pressing upon the chest shifting the body down and down in to the cushion.BUT…

The cushion is not so smooth this time…..

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