The Horizon

The Horizon
i saw this...i felt this...i rememered...and i wrote

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Ending lines : Recollection

How many more must be so etched?

How much more must it take to come?

To an end –

Where I might move on, to the better promise of being lonely.

Or is it better, my exile beyond your heart?

There was a time I tried to fly without wings –

Knowing that my heart will burst upon impact –

With the cruel ground, where my dreams

Have been buried alive.

Can you see how on these very shores

Night fell and so was shadowed –

My love.

And the blur of images –

Here! Here! Here! And Here! Again

And all these have been a swift torrent …

And now with my capacity of rhyming having dried up

I stand a man in search of a future.

Life I have, but I need a will to continue.

But even if I hate you for all that is gone

Can I detach the joy I got –

In knowing that

Everything I did, I did for you.

You shook away your shoulder of support

I grudge you not, little bird,

I did my duty, what I was supposed to

Now that you have learnt to fly

Come Back to Life

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